Skills Series • Set 5
Assessing and Grading Learning
Activity 5.1: Learning Assessment Diagnostic
The Learning Assessment Diagnostic is a quiz focused on various areas of learning assessment designed to help you identify gaps in your assessment-related knowledge base, increase your awareness of good assessment terms and practices and identify areas for improvement.
Activity 5.2: Pros and Cons Assessment Analysis
The Pros and Cons Assessment Analysis prompts you to think through the benefits and challenges of your biggest assessment for the term. It can help you see whether the benefits of your assessment outweigh the challenges.
In this activity, you will create an Assessment Plan using a template that asks you to align course objectives with appropriate assessment methods, describe strategies for providing feedback to students, and identify how you will measure the effectiveness of your assessment methods.

Further Reading
Engaged Teaching: A Handbook for College Faculty offers a comprehensive but concise survey of theory, research, and practical strategies necessary for improving teaching and learning in higher education, and is the perfect complement to the Engaged Teaching Skills Series.