The K. Patricia Cross Academy

For Faculty • For Free • For the Future of Higher Education

The K. Patricia Cross Academy is an investment in the future of higher education named to celebrate and preserve the legacy of K. Patricia Cross. Founded by Elizabeth Barkley and Claire Major, we are a non-profit program under the fiscal sponsorship of The Social Good Fund. We are dedicated to supporting faculty by offering free instructional videos, downloadable resources, and CrossCurrents articles that clearly outline how to:


Implement high-impact, evidence-based teaching techniques that improve all students' learning; and


Document student learning in ways that provide the information teachers need to improve their teaching as well as assist them in their efforts for hiring, tenure, and promotion.

I can’t wait to use all the resources. The [techniques] will help me continue to learn and improve my teaching practices.

Department Chair

I included the [K. Patricia Cross Academy] website in the facilitated online workshop I created for faculty to help them move to online teaching. The gratitude for sharing this site with faculty has been overwhelming! They are finding it so very helpful! We have even linked it to our Faculty Toolkit web page through Faculty Professional Development. 

Faculty Member

After learning about the K. Patricia Cross Academy, I have shared it with my colleagues at my community college.  We are grateful for the free resources the academy provides and it has been a tremendous resource for our instructors.  Personally, the academy has helped me create unique activities to connect with our students during freshmen seminars.

Faculty Member

Much needed. Especially useful to reach adjunct, marginalized, or new faculty. This will change the landscape for professors who are teaching students.

Faculty Member

When I discovered you, it was like I had stumbled on a goldmine. My colleagues are now as addicted to your resources as I am!

Faculty Member