Activity 2.2

Focused Autobiographical Sketch

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About this Activity Set

If you've not yet done so, watch the intro video for this activity set, Developing Pedagogical Knowledge.


In this Focused Autobiographical Sketch, you write a self-portrait on how you acquired your current level of pedagogical content knowledge.

Purpose and Goal

Most of us teaching in higher education are not taught how to teach. Instead, we often learn through our efforts, oftentimes through the “trial-by-fire” method as we learn on the job. Rarely do we stop and take stock of where we developed our knowledge about teaching. Yet doing so can help us uncover our biases and identify ways to further develop our knowledge of teaching.

Writing this sketch allows you to focus on your self-concept and self-awareness as an individual who has learned how to teach within a specific field. It should encourage you to highlight important prior learning experiences and connect them to your teaching.

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