Creating or revising a syllabus can be fun. You get to think through what students should learn in the course, what content they will review, what skills they will practice, and what assignments they will complete during the term.
One of the most tedious aspects of creating or revising a syllabus, though, is figuring out and filling in the dates each semester, particularly if you have a class that meets, or in the case of online courses has assignments due, multiple times a week.
Cue the generic syllabus date finder, created by Caleb McDaniel and hosted on the Rice University Web site at the following URL: http://wcaleb.rice.edu/syllabusmaker/generic/
This simple tool will prompt you to enter the year of your course, the start and end date, and the days on which you will meet (or have work due from students). Once you fill in the relevant information, hitting “submit” will result in a list of dates for the term and will save you the time of having to find them on a calendar.
We hope you find this tool useful! As always, if you know of an interesting resource that we should feature, please drop us a line at kpcrossacademy@ua.edu; we will of course credit you for the information you share.
Suggested Citation
Barkley, E.F., & Major, C.H.Gutenson, L. D., & Morris, S. J. (n.d.) . It's not always in the syllabus. CrossCurrents. https://kpcrossacademy.ua.edu/its-not-always-in-the-syllabus/

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