Skills Series • Set 15

Engaging in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


Activity 15.1: Is SoTL right for you? Quiz

This assessment asks you a series of questions to help you determine whether you might find SoTL to be a good professional fit.

Estimated Time to Complete: 30 Minutes
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Activity 15.2: What’s the Question?

What's the Question? aims to help you develop and refine research questions for SoTL projects so that you have a starting point to conduct rigorous and evidence-based research in your specific teaching context.

Estimated Time to Complete: 3 Hours
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Activity 15.3: Multiple-Task Mastery Checklist

The Multiple-Task Mastery Checklist activity is a template designed to guide you through the process of systematically planning, executing and evaluating a formal SoTL project.

Estimated Time to Complete: 3 Hours
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Engaged Teaching A Handbook for College Faculty FIRST EDITION ELIZABETH F. BARKLEY | CLAIRE HOWELL MAJOR

Further Reading

Engaged Teaching: A Handbook for College Faculty offers a comprehensive but concise survey of theory, research, and practical strategies necessary for improving teaching and learning in higher education, and is the perfect complement to the Engaged Teaching Skills Series.

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