Skills Series • Set 1
Engaged Teaching - What It Is and Why It Matters
Activity 1.1: Engaged Teaching Beliefs Inventory
The Engaged Teaching Beliefs Inventory is designed to help you identify your pre-exiting views about various teaching processes related to engaged teaching and teaching effectiveness.
Activity 1.2: Profile of an Admirable Individual
This activity prompts you to remember a professor who had a positive influence on you as a learner. It is intended to help you identify that professor’s qualities and approach to teaching, thereby deepening your knowledge of engaged and effective teaching.
Activity 1.3: Teaching Philosophy Statement
A Teaching Philosophy Statement is a narrative in which you share your thoughts about teaching and learning. In this statement, you generally describe your conception of teaching and learning, provide a description of how you teach, and outline the rationale for why you choose to teach in this way.

Further Reading
Engaged Teaching: A Handbook for College Faculty offers a comprehensive but concise survey of theory, research, and practical strategies necessary for improving teaching and learning in higher education, and is the perfect complement to the Engaged Teaching Skills Series.