About this Activity Set
If you've not yet done so, watch the intro video for this activity set, Engaged Teaching - What It Is and Why It Matters.
The Engaged Teaching Beliefs Inventory (ETBI) is an informal assessment to help you identify your views about various teaching processes related to engaged teaching and teaching effectiveness.Purpose and Goal
Our beliefs about teaching affect what we say and do in the classroom. They guide our decision making, selection of teaching methods, interactions with students, and more. Yet we don’t often examine our own beliefs about teaching. We don’t often take the opportunity to reflect on our beliefs to see how they inform our pedagogical decisions. The Engaged Teaching Beliefs Inventory is intended to help you clarify what characteristics of teaching you think are important. It also helps you compare what you value most with the things that certain research and your peers say about effective teaching qualities. By providing you with a way to think through your values, the ETBI can help you can guard against losing sight of what you consider important in teaching. It can also point you to where you might consider giving more effort. The insights gained from the inventory can be used to inform your teaching philosophy statement, pedagogical development plans, and future self-assessments.Activity Link
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