Activity 14.2


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About this Activity Set

If you've not yet done so, watch the intro video for this activity set, Assessing and Evaluating.


Fortunately-Unfortunately is an activity designed to encourage you to critically examine the reliance on student opinions of instruction as the predominant method for assessing teaching effectiveness. Through this activity, you explore the fortunate and unfortunate aspects of using traditional student evaluations of instruction and consider alternative assessment methods.

Purpose and Goal

Many faculty members (and their institutions) rely on student opinions of instruction as the primary method for assessing teaching effectiveness. While this method provides valuable insights, it may have limitations and biases. It is important to explore the approach's advantages and challenges and consider alternative assessment methods to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of teaching effectiveness.

This activity prompts you to consider methods of evaluating and assessing teaching. In doing so, it will help you consider ways to evaluate your teaching (and the teaching of your mentees and peers).

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