About this Activity Set
If you've not yet done so, watch the intro video for this activity set, Supporting Community.
The Main Idea and Detail Chart asks you to center the concept of community, outline main ideas for promoting it, and give specific details on what you do or could do to support community in your courses.Purpose and Goal
Community is an elusive concept in many ways. As teachers, we know it when we see it, but it can be difficult to create. Research is clear, however, that community can enhance students’ sense of belonging, satisfaction, and learning. There are strategies for creating community that can help. But every class is unique, as are the students and teachers who inhabit it. Thus it can be helpful to create a plan to support community in your course. This activity provides you with an organized way to record ideas, thoughts and concepts related to community and can help you consider new ways for promoting and supporting it in your courses.Activity Link
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