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In the 3-2-1 technique, students write about 3 things they learned in the lecture, 2 things they found particularly interesting from the lecture, and 1 question they still have about the lecture content.

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Teaching Technique 04 Jigsaw THE K. PATRICIA CROSS ACADEMY

In Jigsaw, students work in small groups to develop knowledge about a given topic before teaching what they have learned to another group.  

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In Group Grid, group members are given pieces of information and asked to place them in the blank cells of a grid according to category rubrics, which helps them clarify conceptual categories and develop sorting skills.

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Group Grid

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In Analytic Teams, each team member assumes a different role with specific responsibilities to perform while listening to a lecture or watching a video.

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Analytic Teams

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Quick Write is a learning assessment technique where learners respond to an open-ended prompt.

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Quick Write

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Active Reading Documents are carefully prepared forms that guide students through the process of critical and careful reading.

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Active Reading Documents

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Fact or Opinion encourages students to critically evaluate information by questioning what they read.

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Fact or Opinion

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Update Your Classmate is a short writing activity where students explain what they learned in a previous class session to set the stage for new learning.

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Update Your Classmate

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In Guided Notes, the instructor provides a set of partial notes that students complete during the lecture, focusing their attention on key points.

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Guided Notes

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Teaching Technique 17 Lecture Engagement Log THE K. PATRICIA CROSS ACADEMY

Lecture Engagement Logs are records that students keep to document the various academic activities they engage in for a particular class.

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Lecture Engagement Log

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The instructor provides students with a provocative statement and prompts them to locate details, examples, or data in their lecture notes to support the statement.

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Support a Statement

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A PLE is a set of people and digital resources an individual can access for the specific intent of learning. Students illustrate the potential connections through a visible network of the set.

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Personal Learning Environment

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