Skills Series • Set 10
Lecturing Effectively
Activity 10.1: Lecture Style Inventory
The Lecture Style Inventory is an informal assessment of your preferences when offering lectures. It is intended to help you understand your lecture style to build on your strengths and learn to lecture more effectively
Activity 10.2: Comprehensive Factors
This prompt, Comprehensive Factors List, asks you to examine the benefits and challenges of using lectures in your courses. In doing so, you’ll think more deeply about why lecturing is important and how to do it to maximize learners' benefit.
Activity 10.3: Logical Lecture Structure Graphic
A Logical Lecture Structure Graphic is a graphic organizer that guides you to foreground the pattern that unifies your lecture's main points. It can help you organize your ideas, limit the number of main points and be clear about your supporting details.

Further Reading
Engaged Teaching: A Handbook for College Faculty offers a comprehensive but concise survey of theory, research, and practical strategies necessary for improving teaching and learning in higher education, and is the perfect complement to the Engaged Teaching Skills Series.