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An Advance Organizer is a tool that professors can present to students prior to a lecture to help them structure the information they are about to learn.

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Advance Organizers

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A Background Knowledge Probe is a short, simple, focused questionnaire that students fill out at the beginning of a course or start of a new unit that helps teachers identify the best starting point for the class as a whole.

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Background Knowledge Probe

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In an Online Resource Scavenger Hunt, students use the Internet to engage in fact-finding and information processing exercises using instructor-specified library and Internet sources.

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Online Resource Scavenger Hunt

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In Letters, students assume the identity of an important person in your discipline and write a letter explaining their thoughts on an issue, theory, or controversy to another famous person who holds a different perspective.

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For a Class Book, individual students work together to plan and ultimately submit a scholarly essay or research paper. Then all students’ papers are published together.

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Class Book

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In a Think-Pair-Share, the instructor poses a question, gives students a few minutes to think about a response, and then asks students to share their ideas with a partner. Hence Think-Pair-Share.

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Teaching Technique 38 Affinity Grouping THE K.PATRICIA CROSS ACADEMY

In Affinity Grouping, individual students generate ideas and identify common themes. Then, students form groups to sort and organize the ideas accordingly.

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Affinity Grouping

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Teaching Technique 45 Individual Readiness Assurance Tests THE K. PATRICIA CROSS ACADEMY

Individual Readiness Assurance Tests are closed-book quizzes that students complete after an out-of-class reading, video, or other homework assignment.

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Individual Readiness Assurance Tests

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Teaching Technique 48 Think-Aloud-Pair Problem Solving THE K.PATRICIA CROSS ACADEMY

In Think-Aloud-Pair Problem Solving (or TAPPS for short), students take turns solving problems aloud while a peer listens and provides feedback.

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Think-Aloud-Pair Problem Solving

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Teaching Technique 49 Briefing Paper THE K.PATRICIA CROSS ACADEMY

In a Briefing Paper, students research a current problem of their choice, summarize the main issues, and present solutions to a specific audience.

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Briefing Paper

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Teaching Technique 50 Sentence Stem Predictions THE K.PATRICIA CROSS ACADEMY

In Sentence Stem Predictions (SSP), the professor presents a partial sentence that is structured to prompt students to predict select aspects of the upcoming lecture.

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Sentence Stem Predictions

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