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In Analytic Teams, each team member assumes a different role with specific responsibilities to perform while listening to a lecture or watching a video.

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Analytic Teams

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In Translate That!, you pause your lecture and call on a student at random to “translate” the information you just provided into plain English for an imagined audience that you specify.

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Translate That!

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In Guided Notes, the instructor provides a set of partial notes that students complete during the lecture, focusing their attention on key points.

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Guided Notes

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Teaching Technique 17 Lecture Engagement Log THE K. PATRICIA CROSS ACADEMY

Lecture Engagement Logs are records that students keep to document the various academic activities they engage in for a particular class.

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Lecture Engagement Log

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The instructor provides students with a provocative statement and prompts them to locate details, examples, or data in their lecture notes to support the statement.

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Support a Statement

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A Lecture Wrapper is a tool for teaching students self-monitoring behavior as they identify key points from a lecture and then compare their points to the instructor’s list of points.

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Lecture Wrapper

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A Triple-Jump is a three-step technique that requires students to think through and attempt to solve a real-world problem.

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Triple Jump

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An Advance Organizer is a tool that professors can present to students prior to a lecture to help them structure the information they are about to learn.

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Advance Organizers

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Teaching Technique 39 Comprehensive Factors List THE K. PATRICIA CROSS ACADEMY

In Comprehensive Factors List, students write all the relevant factors they can think of about a specific topic, drawing from course content and personal experiences.

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Comprehensive Factors List

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Teaching Technique 41 Cued Notes THE K.PATRICIA CROSS ACADEMY

In Cued Notes, students use a template to prompt them to record a cue that you provide and to take notes on a lecture segment tied to the cue. Then, the template prompts students to summarize the full lecture.

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Cued Notes

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Teaching Technique 42 Note-Taking Pairs THE K.PATRICIA CROSS ACADEMY

In Note-Taking Pairs, student partners work together to improve their individual notes.

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Note-Taking Pairs

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Teaching Technique 43 Punctuated Lecture THE K. PATRICIA CROSS ACADEMY

During a Punctuated Lecture, students listen to the lecture for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. At the end of the lecture segment, the teacher pauses and asks students to answer a question about what they are doing at that particular moment.

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Punctuated Lecture

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