Skills Series • Set 4
Identifying Significant Learning Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes
Activity 4.1: The Learning Goals Inventory
The Learning Goals Inventory (LGI) is a survey with four parts: Course Information, Learning Goals Rating Scale, Learning Goals Self-Assessment and Responder Characteristics.
Activity 4.2: Goals to Objectives Concept Map
The Learning Goals Inventory is a four-part survey to help you focus and articulate your goals for student learning in an individual course and to provide a starting point for discussions about teaching and learning goals with your colleagues.
Activity 4.3: Backward Design Template
The Backward Design Template guides you through the course design process as you identify goals objectives and what you will use as evidence of learning, and create a plan for learning activities.
Further Reading
Engaged Teaching: A Handbook for College Faculty offers a comprehensive but concise survey of theory, research, and practical strategies necessary for improving teaching and learning in higher education, and is the perfect complement to the Engaged Teaching Skills Series.
Normally $34.99, for a limited time we are offering Engaged Teaching for only $24.99. Be one of the first to get this groundbreaking resource—order your copy today!